Pitanje, 24.06.2014.
Poštovane kolege, Agencija je primila upit od Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Services iz Buffalo, USA u kojem smo zamoljeni da im damo odgovor u vezi sve potrošačke legislative u BiH. Oni su na našoj internet stranici našli sve propise koji se odnose na sigurnost proizvoda, pa ih zanima da li postoji još neka i također ih interesuje na kojem mjestu mogu naći sve propise u vezi zaštite potrošača.
Dear Ms. Hoag,
Regarding your e-mail from 11th June 2014, we can reply the following:
General consumer protection policy in BiH is within responsibility of Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economic Relations BiH (www.mvteo.gov.ba). Entity/Regional
policy is within jurisdiction of ministries of trade of FBiH, RS and Brcko district BiH. 1
As you indicated in your email, our website lists consumer legislation regarding
product safety.
Regarding additional legislation, there is Law on Consumer protection in BiH
(Official Gazette of BiH, no. 25/06)2 and Law on Consumer protection in RS (Official
Gazette of RS, no. 06/12)3.
In case that relations and situations in the field of consumer protection are not
regulated by the Law on Consumer Protection in BiH, then other lex specialis laws
are applicable, as well as Law on Obligations (Official Gazette of SFRJ, no. 29/78,
39/85, 45/89 and 57/894)5 regulating obligations which arise from contracts,
damage inflicting, acquisition without legal ground, etc.
For food safety: Law on Food Safety and its bylaws. Food safety is in jurisdiction of
Food Safety Agency of BiH (http://www.fsa.gov.ba/bs/).
For product safety: Law on General Product Safety and Law on Market Surveillance
in BiH, which is in jurisdiction of Market Surveillance Agency of BiH
Safety of medical devices and medicinal products is in jurisdiction of The Agency
for medicinal products and medical devices of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Also, there is a set of laws regulating financial and banking service.
Having in mind that BiH is potential candidate country and that we signed
Stabilisation and Association Agreement with EU, we are oblige to transpose EU
legislation in our legal system and to harmonise our legislation with EU’s.
For more information on harmonisation process, please contact Directorate for
European Integration (www.dei.gov.ba).
If you have additional question, do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,